Friday, January 29, 2016

Dear Kansas Legislature

Dear Kansas Legislature,
            I’m writing this to tell you, you are losing yet another great teacher. Yes. Another teacher sat at an in-service meeting and heard all the awfulness that could become of Kansas schools. And for the first time she didn’t feel bad, she felt at peace. This certain teacher felt at peace because she had made the decision to resign and get out of teaching just a month before this. Yes, Kansas is losing another great teacher.

            Let me fully explain the type of teacher you are losing. Please don’t take this as a self-righteous monologue, no. These are just the facts; the facts that have been noticed by her peers, teachers, and superiors. You are losing the teacher that sobs all the way home about her students’ broken homes. You are losing the teacher that spends hours of her own time developing amazing ways for novels to come alive. You are losing the teacher that brings humor and life into the classroom. You are losing the teacher who regardless what needs to be done in the morning spends her time hugging and greeting her students every day. You are losing the teacher that refuses to be sucked in to the “old” negative ways of doing things. You are losing the teacher who earned KEEN’s Teacher of Promise. You are losing the teacher who has looked into adopting students who have terrible homes. You are losing the teacher who helped feed five families for Christmas last year. You are losing the teacher that inspired a boy not to kill himself. You are losing the teacher who helped a girl see just how beautiful she was. You are losing the teacher who prepared her students for college and life. You are losing the teacher who says she loves each and every student as they walk out every class period of every day just in case they don’t hear it that day. You are losing the teacher who taught with every single cell in her body, to the point that she had nothing left to give her own family.

            Now I want you to fully understand why this teacher is leaving. It’s not the pay or lack of materials as some may think, no. It’s not any of that. Teachers are clear on the lack of these things before entering in their field. It’s also not because of the long hours invested in her subject or kids. On the contrary, she jumped at the chance to go above and beyond just to help a student. No, it’s not because of the long hours.

            This teacher is quitting because of all the extra “crap” she was forced to deal with each and every day.  This extra “crap” was mandated by you, the Kansas legislature and kept her away from doing her job. You made her worry day in and day out about consolidation, and losing her job. You made her worry that decision weren't being made for what was best for her students. You made her give pointless tracking tests like Aimsweb just for the sake of having “data” that was NEVER used. You made her sit through HOURS of training on state testing and common core just for them to not be used or be changed in the years to come. You have wasted hours upon hours of her time filling out paper work just for the sake of doing it. You have made her teach eight different preps in one day because of lack of funding in her school! You made her put her retirement into KEPERS just for her to know it won’t be there when she retires! You made her focus on everything else, besides her students!
You want to “fix” Kansas schools? LET TEACHERS DO THEIR JOB AND TEACH!!! Don’t consolidate the districts because YOU couldn’t balance a budget for our businesses. It’s a business; they expect taxes!!! Quit making students pay for your mistakes! How dare you take away our students’ futures!!! Our students should be our number one focus in this state. They are the future and the number one way people will stay in Kansas! Keep schools open, and then let your teachers teach!!!!

I love Kansas. I was born and raised here. I want to stay here and I want to send my child here. But with the way things are going, I just don’t think that’s going to happen.  PLEASE save our great state!

Yours truly,

Amie Avery

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